书目信息 |
题名: |
作者: | 盖尔范德 , Manin | |
分册: | ||
出版信息: | 北京 科学出版社 2009.01 |
页数: | 20,372页 | |
开本: | 25cm | |
丛书名: | 国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版) | |
单 册: | ||
中图分类: | O154 | |
科图分类: | ||
主题词: | 同调代数--英文 | |
电子资源: | ||
ISBN: | 978-7-03-023481-0 |
000 | 01416oam2 2200313 450 | |
001 | 0011125719 | |
010 | @a978-7-03-023481-0@b精装@dCNY86.00 | |
100 | @a20120301e2009 em y0chiy0110 ea | |
101 | 0 | @aeng |
102 | @aCN@b110000 | |
105 | @aa z 001yy | |
200 | 1 | @a同调代数方法@Atong tiao dai shu fang fa@d= Methods of Homological Algebra (Second Edition)@f(德) 盖尔范德(Gelfand S.I),Yuri I.Manin[等著]@F(de)gai er fan de(Gelfand S.I),Yuri I.Manin[deng zhu]@zeng |
205 | @a第2版 | |
210 | @a北京@c科学出版社@d2009.01 | |
215 | @a20,372页@c图@d25cm | |
225 | 2 | @a国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版)@v37 |
305 | @a本书英文影印版由德国施普林格出版公司授权出版 根据原书第2版影印 | |
314 | @a责任者中文姓名取自版权页 | |
320 | @a有书目(第357-367页),有索引(第369-372页) | |
330 | @aHomological algebra first arose as a language for describing to pological prospects of geometrical objects.As with every successful language it quickly expanded its coverage and semantics,and its contemporary applications are many and diverse. | |
333 | @a适用于数学专业人员。 | |
410 | 0 | @12001 @a国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版) |
510 | 1 | @aMethods of Homological Algebra (Second Edition)@zeng |
606 | 0 | @a同调代数@x英文 |
690 | @aO154@v5 | |
701 | 0 | @c(德)@a盖尔范德@Agai er fan de@c(Gelfand S.I) |
701 | 0 | @c(德)@aManin@bYuri I.@4著 |
801 | 0 | @aCN@c20121226 |
905 | @dO154@eG010=2@f2 | |
同调代数方法= Methods of Homological Algebra (Second Edition)/(德) 盖尔范德(Gelfand S.I),Yuri I.Manin[等著].-第2版.-北京:科学出版社,2009.01 |
20,372页:图;25cm.-(国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版);37) |
使用对象:适用于数学专业人员。 |
ISBN 978-7-03-023481-0(精装):CNY86.00 |
Homological algebra first arose as a language for describing to pological prospects of geometrical objects.As with every successful language it quickly expanded its coverage and semantics,and its contemporary applications are many and diverse. |
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