书目信息 |
题名: |
作者: | 帕尔申 , Shafareviehl 编著 | |
分册: | Ⅳ 超越数 | |
出版信息: | 北京 科学出版社 2009.01 |
页数: | 345页 | |
开本: | 25cm | |
丛书名: | 国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版) | |
单 册: | ||
中图分类: | O156 | |
科图分类: | ||
主题词: | 数论--英文 | |
电子资源: | ||
ISBN: | 978-7-03-023508-4 |
000 | 01811oam2 2200289 450 | |
001 | 0011125744 | |
010 | @a978-7-03-023508-4@dCNY80.00 | |
100 | @a20120301e2009 em y0chiy0110 ea | |
101 | 0 | @aeng |
102 | @aCN@b110000 | |
105 | @aa z 001yy | |
200 | 1 | @a数论Ⅳ@Ashu lunⅣ@i超越数@d= Number Theory@hⅣ@iTranscendental Numbers@f(俄罗斯) 帕尔申(A.N.Pazshin), I.R.Shafareviehl[编著]@F(e luo si)pa er shen(A.N.Pazshin),I.R.Shafareviehl[bian zhu]@zeng |
205 | @a影印版 | |
210 | @a北京@c科学出版社@d2009.01 | |
215 | @a345页@c图@d25cm | |
225 | 2 | @a国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版)@v65 |
305 | @a本书英文影印版由德国施普林格出版公司授权出版 | |
314 | @a责任者中文姓名取自版权页 | |
330 | @aThis book is a survey of the most important directions of research intranscendental number theory. The central topics in this theory includeproofs of irrationality and transcendence of various numbers, especiallythose that arise as the values of special functions. Questions of this sortgo back to ancient times. An example is the old problern of squaring thecircle, which Lindemaan showed to be impossible in 1882, when he provedthat Pi is a transcendental mnnber. Euler's conjecture that the logarit!un ofan algebraic number to an algebraic base is transcendental was includedin Hilbert's famous list of open problems; this conjecture was proved byGel'fond and Schneider in 1934. A more recent result was Ap6ry's surprisingproof of the irrationality of~ (3) in 1979 | |
410 | 0 | @12001 @a国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版) |
510 | 1 | @aNumber Theory@hⅣ@iTranscendental Numbers@zeng |
606 | 0 | @a数论@x英文 |
690 | @aO156@v5 | |
701 | 1 | @c(俄罗斯)@a帕尔申@Apa er shen@c(Pazshin,A.N.)@4编著 |
701 | 1 | @c(俄罗斯)@aShafareviehl@bI.R.@4编著 |
801 | 0 | @aCN@c20121226 |
905 | @dO156@eP016@f2 | |
数论Ⅳ.超越数= Number Theory.Ⅳ.Transcendental Numbers/(俄罗斯) 帕尔申(A.N.Pazshin), I.R.Shafareviehl[编著].-影印版.-北京:科学出版社,2009.01 |
345页:图;25cm.-(国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版);65) |
ISBN 978-7-03-023508-4:CNY80.00 |
This book is a survey of the most important directions of research intranscendental number theory. The central topics in this theory includeproofs of irrationality and transcendence of various numbers, especiallythose that arise as the values of special functions. Questions of this sortgo back to ancient times. An example is the old problern of squaring thecircle, which Lindemaan showed to be impossible in 1882, when he provedthat Pi is a transcendental mnnber. Euler's conjecture that the logarit!un ofan algebraic number to an algebraic base is transcendental was includedin Hilbert's famous list of open problems; this conjecture was proved byGel'fond and Schneider in 1934. A more recent result was Ap6ry's surprisingproof of the irrationality of~ (3) in 1979 |
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